Dr. David Gass
The Churchill Community lost a dear friend and dedicated supporter when Dr. David Gass passed away on Friday, March 19, from injuries sustained in a tragic pedestrian-motor vehicle accident. When struck down David was our Vice-Chair and actively engaged in recruiting prospective new members. His death left a huge hole in Nova Scotia family medicine and we lost a grandparent who cared deeply about the welfare of our School. Dr. Gass is revered at the Faculty of Medicine and Dalhousie University. He was a clinical teacher who served as the Head of the Department of Family Medicine from 1987-1995, stepping in again as Interim Department Head in 2017 and 2019 and retiring from the role in 2020. The local and national family medicine community has lost an extraordinary leader, and we will deeply miss Dr Gass’ wise counsel. A Churchill Academy Student Diversity Fund will be established in his honour as a tribute to his
Chester Goluch
Churchill Board member Chester Goluch passed away on November 24, 2020, depriving us of one of our most creative thinkers. He was born in a Nazi work camp in a German town, and went on to live a fascinating life, working as an untrained cartographer and in a wide range of other jobs. He achieved great success in the Canadian advertising industry known for his work on the Proctor & Gamble, GM, Coca- Cola, and Labatt accounts. In his heart, he was an Ad Man who loved, lived and breathed the advertising business. Starting at big firms in Toronto, he eventually built his own agency, Chester + Company, in Halifax. Here he is widely known for his work for Keith’s Brewery, N.S. Tourism, Eastlink and O’Regan’s. He donated his time and talent to Churchill in recent years. Friends and family have established a Chester Goluch Memorial Fund with proceeds going to Churchill Academy.