Churchill Academy Website Gets Facelift

Today, more than ever, websites are the electronic face of a school and the place most people first look to get a sense of a school’s unique identity, core mission, range of programs, and student learning activities.  Over the past few months, we have been working to refresh, redesign, and improve our website as an essential gateway of access for parents, students, staff, alumni and prospective families.

We encourage you to log on and checkout our redesigned website at when it goes live this afternoon! 

You will immediately see improvements in the graphics and images capturing the close student-teacher relationships, welcoming philosophy, and variety of activities which enrich school life. Our goal was to present Churchill Academy as it is and to demonstrate why it serves students with learning challenges so well.  Visitors are introduced to our Head of School and the story of Churchill Academy.  Prospective applicants get a good sense of what it’s like to attend the school. We have also provided opportunities for supporters to make online donations to help us meet our immediate needs and support our programs.

Our Website Renewal Project Team consisting of volunteer board members and staff deserve recognition for their work behind the scenes.  Many thanks, as well, to our website consultant, Pam Green of, and to graphic design specialist Chris Francheville, for contributing your time and talents to this little project.

We hope you find our refreshed website informative, up-to-date, and easy to use – and can depend upon it for the latest news about Churchill Academy.

Paul W. Bennett, Chair of the Board

Pat Doherty, Head of School